Our ‘Knit and Natter’ group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month from 2-4pm. There are between 17 and 23 ladies at each meeting and we start with a cuppa (and biscuits). Within the group, there is a huge variety of knitting, crocheting, lace making and sewing abilities from complete novices to highly skilled crafters. Everyone brings their ‘current projects along to the group.
We often respond to requests for specific items such as small blankets for premature babies or items to be sent overseas for children in poverty. We also knit items to sell at the Christmas and Spring fairs.
The best thing about the group, however, is the nattering. We have great fun and lots of laughs and chatter. Anyone is welcome at the group - you don’t have to be a member of the congregation - just come on in and join us.