Oakdale St George’s Summer 2020 Holiday Club!
Dear Parents,
Penny and Pam have put together a virtual Holiday Club for you and your children to enjoy.
The basics of the holiday club have been sourced from an online copyright (see Copyright © 2020 by Amanda White, ohAmanda.com) but we have adapted it to make it more accessible for you and to include St George’s Church.
You will either need to do some preparations at home, or for some activities you could make short trips to St George’s Church to search the grounds.
Here are a few ideas of what you may need:
Treasure Box. This could be a shoebox or an egg box (we have plenty) or use a template to make your own.
Coins (find some large buttons, round stones, milk bottle tops, or cut out some thick card circles. (we have some pre-cut of you need them)
Markers, pens, paint, wax crayons
Books: The Jesus Storybook Bible or various clips accessible via YouTube or find the stories in your own children’s bible for free!
Optional: very small prizes (stickers, erasers, coin, sweets, toy jewels or whatever you have at home)
Make Playdough: (Ingredients ½ cup of salt 1 ½ cups of plain flour Water Food colouring Essence (optional) Method: 1.Mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl until it forms a ball and combines. 2. Keep in an air tight container.) or find some clay (available at The Works Poole)
Treasure Island movie on you tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtEb8MQOzoI (6.02 minutes)
Various items for a treasure hunt such as: torch, honey, Honey Nut Cheerios, something sparkly gold, sunflower seeds or popcorn, picture of a sword)
homemade treasure map, journal/piece of paper OR bag
Books and Films may be suggested but are not necessary and can be sourced in different and innovative ways if you use your imagination.
If you struggle with sourcing any of the materials please contact Penny or the church office (01202 660612) as we have supplies you can collect, or even complete packs!
Once we hear from you we will send you the information for this five session activity.
You can either do one activity each day of a week, or pick a day of the week and make the activity last 5 weeks!
It would be lovely to see some photographs of children creating their ‘coins’ or hunting the church grounds or their homes for ‘treasure’.
But the most important thing is to have fun!
Penny & Pam